South Puripuri Courtyard Residence

Pattanakarn, Bangkok
2021 — 2023

  • What if one could transform a house into a sanctuary — that provides a serene escape?

    At the heart of a bustling district, the South Puripuri Courtyard Residence project lies a profound commitment to transcend a 3-story house into an opulent retreat. The approach shares the same quality and direction with resort-style living.

    In a homage to the original architecture, the central courtyard serves as a focal point allowing the echoes of sunlight and nature's rhythms to find their way inside. The decision made for interior materiality was handpicked to blur the boundaries between outdoors and indoors. Celebrating the resort-style atmosphere, the use of natural materials is the key to reconnect the residents to the nature; warm-tone woods, mineral render, and natural stones. Through this mindful design intention, the project has created a house of lasting resonance that responds to the nature.

    Photography:  THANAWATCHU